Shoulder instability
Dealing with shoulder instability
Being active
Keeping active and fit will benefit your overall recovery. If you have been advised to avoid your normal sports, then consider other ways of maintaining your fitness in the meantime. There is no set approach that has been shown to be the best so feel free to try different types of exercise and activity. Be guided by what you enjoy and what you feel able to start.
If you are local to Sheffield and you would like support to increase your physical activity, then you can:
- Self-refer to Sheffield Physical Activity Referral scheme to access expert and discounted support in physical activity including select gyms across the city.
- Find sport, leisure and activity groups in your local area.
- Visit our page on physical activity under the wider health section of the website for further guidance and support to increase your activity.
Heat or Ice treatment
Heat packs
You may find that applying heat to the sore area helps relieve your pain and any associated muscular tightness or spasm. Use a microwaveable wheat bag or a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel. Keep it on for 15 – 20 minutes, checking your skin regularly to minimise the risk of suffering burn. Repeat 2-3 times per day. Do not place heat on a swollen body part.
Ice packs
This can help to temporarily numb pain. Apply an ice pack (or a bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a tea towel) to the area for up to 10 minutes, 2-3 times per day.
Pain medication
Taking pain medication may control the pain so that you can keep mobile. Speak to your GP or a pharmacist for further advice.
Your lifestyle
A healthy body = a speedier recovery. Habits like eating a healthy varied diet, low in processed foods, regular activity, stopping smoking (if you currently smoke) and being a healthy weight can speed recovery. Making small improvements in lifestyle can significantly improve recovery and reduce the likelihood of suffering in the future. Refer to the Wider health section for more guidance with this.
Further Treatment
Evidence shows that the best first-line treatment for shoulder instability is physiotherapy. If you are struggling to manage your shoulder problem, then you can see your GP for a referral to physiotherapy where you will receive an individualised rehabilitation plan alongside professional guidance and support.
The time of recovery will vary for each individual depending on their circumstances, but as a rough guide, it will often take at least 3-6 months of consistent rehabilitation before you start to see improvements, and 6-12 months for a full recovery, so be patient and work with your physiotherapist to get the most from your programme.
Surgical interventions for shoulder instability are seldom required as fortunately most people benefit from conservative treatment. If you’re experiencing very frequent dislocations then speak to your health care professional, as they can guide you with your treatment options.