Dealing with Osteoarthritis
Being active
Being active can help to manage pain and fatigue caused by arthritis. There is no set approach that has been shown to be the best so feel free to try different types of exercise and activity. Be guided by what you enjoy and what you feel able to start. An example may be a brisk walk, a bike ride or an aqua-aerobics class.

See our page on physical activity under the wider health section of the website for guidance and support to increase your activity
Keeping active also means trying to continue, where you can, your normal daily activities including social, work-related and hobbies.
Weight management and nutrition
If you are living with overweight or obesity then losing weight and having a healthy diet has been shown to reduce pain and improve the function of joints in those with knee osteoarthritis. There isn’t a specific diet that’s been proven to help with osteoarthritis, however if you need to lose weight, try to follow a balanced, reduced-calorie diet. The Association of UK Dieticians also has an informative leaflet on diet and OA.
See our page on healthy weight under the wider health section of the website for guidance and support with losing weight.
Heat or Ice treatment
Heat packs
You may find that applying heat to the sore area helps relieve your pain and any associated muscular tightness or spasm. Use a microwaveable wheat bag or a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel. Keep it on for 15 – 20 minutes, checking your skin regularly to minimise the risk of suffering burn. Repeat 2-3 times per day. Do not place heat on a swollen body part.
Ice packs
This can help to temporarily numb pain. Apply an ice pack (or a bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a tea towel) to the area for up to 10 minutes, 2-3 times per day.
Pain medication
Taking pain medication may control the pain so that you can keep mobile. Speak to your GP or a pharmacist for further advice.
Further Treatment
Not everyone needs to be seen by a physiotherapist however, some people may find a more tailored exercise programme beneficial. The evidence has shown that the best first-line management of osteoarthritis is physiotherapy. Physiotherapy should primarily include active strategies such as exercise. It can often take at least 3-6 months of consistent rehabilitation before you start to see improvements, so be patient and work with your physiotherapist to get the most from your programme.
Steroid injection
In some cases when pain is severe, a steroid injection into the joint may provide short term pain relief. It is worth noting that steroid injections are not a long term management option as they can make the tissue less healthy in the long term.
A very small proportion of people with osteoarthritis may be suitable for surgery, however this type of surgery comes with risks and fortunately most people benefit from conservative treatment. Your health care professional can guide you with this option.